In one nearby country, an old friend talked to one blogger, who for a long time worked in the sphere of secondary education.

     The comrade read the post of the blogger about the death of the pupil in the school and, sighing bitterly, began his story:

     – The root of the problem is not even that the principals hide the incidents in their schools. The problem is laid deeper. In these principals themselves. You can expect much worse things from such people. Do you know how they get to their posts? Elementary. For cash dollars. Yes-yes. And do not make round eyes. The stakes in the capital range from 30 to 50 thousand dollars. And on such terms, there is still a queue of people who want to.

     – Wait. But if people are willing to pay such money, then they hope to somehow recoup them, earn. But how can a director of a simple high school earn 50,000 dollars? I do not understand.

     – You’re just cut off from the real life. Your children studied in elite schools and got there by phone call from the administration where you worked, while all ordinary people face this problem every year and take it for granted. Look, a child has grown up in an ordinary middle-aged family. It’s time for him to go to school. Or, say, the family moved to the capital from the province with school-age children. We need to look for a school. How to find it, so that it is next to the house and with a good level of teaching. Although, to be honest, in general, the level of education in the capital is very low in comparison with the northern regions. But this is a topic for another discussion. So that’s it. Parents find such schools by recommendation of friends and go there, and they are told that they do not belong to this area. But you can make an exception. And then think for yourself. I worked in this field and I know that in the recent past, the rate for accepting an unauthorized child has reached thousand dollars. Some school principals earned up to one hundred thousand dollars in September alone. And here is your recoupment of the enclosed “investments”.

     – Impossible!

     – What is impossible? You just drive around the city and see which cars the principals are driving up to their work. And then see what their official salary is. And compare. It will become clear for you.

     – And are there many such principals? Is it so bad?

     – According to my feelings, seventy percent of principals of schools in this city work according to this scheme. There are, of course, honest, principled people, but they are a minority, and they do not form a common policy. It’s more like an outcast. There is also such a category: relatives of high-ranking people, to whom the administration does not dare to impose its conditions.

     – What a horror! And what’s the order can be in schools with such commercial directors?

     – Exactly! This is what I am talking about! This attitude towards students, as a source of profit, is passed down to ordinary teachers. They also start “milking” pupils and their parents during the school year. In general, these are not schools, but some commercial companies. For example, another well-known business of this commercial company is the sale of seats in the Olympiads. Have you heard about this?

     – No. And what is it?

     – Do you know that the victory in the Olympiads entitles pupils to receive a scholarship to study in the university?

     – Well, yes.

     – So, I’ll reveal the secret to you. Parents buy first places in the Olympiads to their children for money. As then they save on the annual payment for education in the university. Very simple circuit. Well, I will not tell you about monetary payments during the UNT. I think you wrote about it yourself. And have you heard about collecting money from parents for buying gifts to examiners?

     – No. But this is terrible! And how is this all explained to children?! Don’t they see, don’t they understand?

     – Perfectly understand. Especially high school students. Many of them are so saturated with this spirit of venality and bribery of everything that when they enter into real life, they are fully prepared for such rules of the game. And you want our society to become better. How? How will it become better if the sprouts of a new life themselves grow in poisoned soil and are already poisoned?

     – We need to do something! It is necessary to strike the alarm! We must not put up with this!

     – This is what I am asking from you. I myself wrote a lot about it, but it was all useless. I was simply kicked out of this system for being truthful. Now I work in another field. But my heart aches for our children.

     – And can you confirm all these facts if I voice the problem.

     – Of course not. How do you imagine the proof on my part of receiving bribes by the majority of city school principals?

     – Well, then your story is no more than speculation. If I write about it, then the same school principals will be accused of slandering me or calling me a chatterbox.

     – So what should I do? Endure all this disgrace from year to year and give the principals-traders to continue their dirty business? Maybe, we should write about the problem, but not mention specific names? After all, it is important not to imprison a particular principal of the school, but to change the entire system. Otherwise, exactly the same principal-bribe taker will come to his place. If everything I have told you will be my imagination, and there is no such problem, your readers will simply pass by. If people start to write that they have faced such facts, I hope the head of the city will pay attention to the problem and solve it systematically.

     – Good. We will do that. I will not mention names. I will not even call the city and the country. The one who needs it will understand.

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