In recent years, the construction of sports grounds for mini football, hockey, basketball, etc. has been actively conducted in the regional centers of the country.

     These expensive facilities are built according to the latest standards.

     Of course, this pleases the citizens, since more and more people begin to play sports.

     At the same time, today we must think about such a problem: all the above sports facilities are built at the expense of the city budget or sponsorship funds. After construction and commissioning, they usually arrive at the balance of the state institution “Energy and Utilities Department”. At the same time, as far as I know, the estimate of this institution does not provide funds for the maintenance of sports facilities.

     In this regard, all these new, beautiful and expensive sports facilities are often exploited chaotically and unorganized. That is, the one who came earlier uses them. If the older guys come, they drive the younger guys, etc. Nobody guards these sites in their spare time and at night. This entails a gradual worsening of the condition of sports grounds and their damage (breakage of the fencing grid, breaking of the lamps of illumination, a rush of green coating, etc.).

     A solution to this problem could be the transfer of these sports facilities to trust management through open competitions.

    Trustees must commit themselves to maintaining the facilities in good condition and to ensure free use of the sites by children during the day.

     At the same time, all the interest of trust managers would be in the evening to rent out the grounds to adult sport lovers. And there are many such lovers in the cities. And all of them would like to have a guaranteed time for classes, and not to come to the site in the hope that it is free. Proceeds from the rental of sites in the evening, for sure, enough to cover the costs of trust managers for the content of sites.

     If such a decision is taken, all the sports grounds of the cities will have owners who will retain their working status for a much longer period, will maintain public order on them and streamline their work.

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