We have somehow developed priorities in the government that the boss is more important than citizens.

     It is not uncommon for an official to stand up in the middle of a meeting with a large number of people, not to mention any reception of citizens on personal issues, and leave with the words “I’m sorry, the Prime Minister is calling” or “I’m sorry, my boss just phoned.” And in all those present it causes awe “Oh yeah, of course. If the boss is calling, then we’ll sit here and wait for a couple of hours or just dissolve.” No one comes up with the idea to be indignant at the absurdity of the situation.

     However, I will not tire of repeating: we, the citizens, are the owners of officials and the recipients of their services, and they are all our servants. All of them, including the ones in the top positions. Even the one who calls his subordinate from a meeting with citizens.

     How does this rule work in the private sector?

     I am sure that no business owner will interrupt his employee who is speaking to his client and say, “Come to me right now. Let’s discuss the development strategy of the company.” If the employee answers to the boss by phone, that he is in negotiations with the client, then the normal boss will shut up and humbly say, “Oh, I’m sorry! Call me back when you’re free.” Because the businessman understands that in this pyramid of importance he is below the buyer, he is only a servant of his client.

     Why is it wrong with the civil service?

     I dream to live to see such times when the Prime Minister, summoning a minister, if he suddenly hears the phrase, “Excuse me, I have a citizen at my office right now”, will apologize and ask to come later.

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